; FuriFuri MIYAKO ; ; Ver 0.0 2003.06.16 ; Ver 0.5 2003.06.17 add beep. ; Ver 0.7 2003.06.23 elisat10.bdf(bdfdump.c) ; Ver 0.8 2003.06.24 It shakes from the RIGHT to the LEFT ; ; Compile. ; $ asl -L furifuri_miyako.asm ; ; HardWare Define. ; clock = 3.579545MHz = 4.19us/MachieCycle ; {P17,P16,P15,P14,P13,P12,P11,P10} - LED - GND ; P27 - SP - P26 cpu 8048 page 0 org 0 dis i dis tcnti sel RB0 ; ent0 clk mov a,#0ffh ;All LED off outl P1,a outl P2,a start mov a,#52 ;20ms at 2.64KHz mov R1,a beep mov a,#07fh ;P27=L,P26=H [0111 1111] outl P2,a mov a,#14 ;2.64KHz beep1 dec a jnz beep1 mov a,#0bfh ;P27=H,P26=L [1011 1111] outl P2,a mov a,#14 beep2 dec a jnz beep2 djnz R1,beep mov a,#0ffh ;P2 ALL H [1111 1111] outl P2,a init mov a,#0 mov R0,a ;data pointer loop mov a,R0 movp3 a,@a cpl a outl P1,a ;Pattern DATA to LED mov a,#0ffh delay nop dec a jnz delay inc R0 mov a,R0 movp3 a,@a inc a ;check EOF jnz loop mov a,#0ffh outl P1,a ;LED off mov a,#07fh mov R1,a wait2 mov a,#0ffh mov R2,a wait nop djnz R2,wait djnz R1,wait2 jmp start align 16 db "furifuri_MIYAKO " db "2003.06.24 V0.8 " db "runner@protom.org" ; ; Pattern data ; Only 8Bit Data. org 0300h include furifuri_miyako.dat end